Interested in trying hypnotherapy for IBS? While hypnosis is gaining attention as a safe and effective way to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), many people are unsure how to begin their hypnotherapy journey.

Hypnotherapy for IBS is gaining attention from clinicians, researchers, and the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) community all over the world.

You might have a lot of questions, like how does hypnotherapy work? How effective is it? What provider should you choose? Will it help your IBS symptoms? Will it break the bank?

Let's learn a little more about hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome, and how it may be able to assist with IBS management.

What is IBS hypnotherapy?

IBS is a long-term (chronic) gastrointestinal condition that affects around one in seven people worldwide, so if you're looking for a way to find relief, you're far from alone.

While IBS symptoms can vary from person to person, many people with IBS will experience gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation, and associated psychological symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.

Hypnotherapy that is used to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also known as gut-directed hypnotherapy (GDH). This is a specialized type of therapeutic hypnosis developed to manage the symptoms of IBS.

Hypnotherapy involves bringing you into a relaxed state of focus, similar to guided meditation, after which therapeutic suggestions are directed toward your gut and associated symptoms.

Let's have a look at how it works in more detail.

How does gut-directed hypnotherapy work?

It's thought that IBS is caused by gut-brain miscommunications. This is why hypnotherapy may be so effective: it may help regulate signals sent between the gut and the brain and decrease your body's sympathetic system responses (stress).

Studies show that gut-directed hypnotherapy works by regulating the signals that move along the largest cranial nerve in your body: the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve acts as a superhighway for information running along your gut-brain axis. It's because of this brain-gut connection that we can experience emotions in our gut (like feeling ‘butterflies' when we're excited) or sense what's happening in the gut in our brains (like knowing when we're full after eating).

How effective is gut-directed hypnotherapy?

Research shows that GDH can help manage both the physical symptoms and the psychological symptoms of IBS patients.

Hypnotherapy has an encouraging success rate. Research suggests that between 70 - 80% of people could benefit from IBS hypnosis and that it can reduce gut symptoms, like abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea by up to 72%.

What's more, hypnotherapy can provide a chance for long-term relief. IBS hypnotherapy can be so effective, that in some cases, symptoms are reduced for up to five years.

What can be expected during a gut-directed hypnotherapy session?

In an IBS hypnotherapy session, you will be taken through relaxation exercises and brought into a focused state of attention. This simply means that you can focus on therapeutic suggestions that are being given to you while ignoring outside concerns. During a session, you are fully in control and aware of what is happening.

In this focused and relaxed state of attention, your brain becomes open to suggestions on how to better communicate with your gut, improve your gut motility and reduce uncomfortable sensations.

Since hypnotherapy is a relaxing exercise that stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for rest and relaxation), it can effectively interrupt the cycle of stress-related IBS symptoms.

What are the benefits of using gut-directed hypnotherapy?

Gut-directed hypnotherapy offers a range of benefits for individuals looking to reduce irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. It has gained recognition for its effectiveness in managing IBS-related abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements, without the need for dietary changes or medication.

What are the risks of gut-directed hypnotherapy?

Gut-directed hypnotherapy is considered a safe management tool for irritable bowel syndrome patients when performed by a qualified healthcare professional. However, researchers say, like any medical or psychological tool, there are some associated health risks.

Anxiety and headaches can be potential side effects of gut-directed hypnotherapy. While these side effects are rare, it's important to discuss any concerns with a qualified healthcare professional. Additionally, gut-directed hypnotherapy is not recommended for those with a history of psychosis.

Always speak to a healthcare provider before starting a new management process.

How does hypnotherapy compare to other IBS management tools?

When it comes to managing symptoms of IBS, gut-directed hypnotherapy stands out as an effective alternative. Unlike medication-based approaches, gut-directed hypnotherapy offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach. It focuses on harnessing the power of the mind to reduce IBS symptoms.

Studies have shown that gut-directed hypnotherapy can provide long-lasting results by addressing the underlying psychological factors contributing to IBS. By reducing stress and anxiety, and enhancing gut-brain communication, this approach helps restore balance in the digestive system.

Furthermore, gut-directed hypnotherapy offers a holistic approach, tackling both the physical and psychological aspects of IBS. With its proven efficacy and minimal risks, gut-directed hypnotherapy emerges as a compelling option for those seeking a comprehensive and sustainable way to manage their IBS symptoms.

How long does gut-directed hypnotherapy take to work?

The timeline and effectiveness of gut-directed hypnotherapy varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience results relatively quickly, while others may need more time before they notice changes in their symptoms.

In the digital therapeutic program, Nerva, results are most commonly seen between weeks four to six.

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Where can I get gut-directed hypnotherapy?

While we recommend talking to your doctor before beginning any new management tool for IBS, there are several ways that you can get started with it. Here are a few ways to access hypnotherapy for IBS:

IBS hypnotherapy practitioners (Hypnotherapists)

You might choose to see a hypnotherapy practitioner, also known as a hypnotherapist. There are many benefits to choosing this kind of hypnotherapy, including having a professional keep you on track with your IBS management goals.

Many people enjoy this kind of hypnotherapy because it has similarities to other in-person healthcare models, like psychotherapy or counseling. However, before booking an in-person hypnotherapist, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind.

Hypnotherapy in Australia, America, and many other parts of the world, is not a regulated profession. This means hypnotherapists are not legally required to meet service standards or receive any specific medical training.  

In-person hypnotherapy can cost up to US$250 per session. While some practitioners may be cheaper, buyers beware: the quality of in-person hypnotherapy can vary greatly.

Before booking a hypnotherapist, ensure that the practitioner:

  • has appropriate credentials. Because hypnotherapy isn't a licensed profession, some hypnotherapists will only have completed a short online course while others will have medical degrees with specialized hypnotherapy training.  

Before booking an IBS hypnotherapy session, ask if your practitioner has a medical degree, (i.e., a gastroenterologist, a psychologist, or a dietitian) and additional certified hypnotherapy training.  


Some people will choose to buy or download audio hypnotherapy recordings as a cost-effective way to start IBS hypnotherapy. Recordings may cost as little as US$8.

Many hypnotherapy websites provide an audio-download option, however, as these offerings are not regulated the quality and benefits of this kind of hypnotherapy can be questionable.

Some listeners may find the recordings are poor quality and hard to become absorbed in.

IBS hypnotherapy app

Therapeutic apps can be the best option for people starting their IBS hypnotherapy journey. However, similar to choosing an in-person specialist, it's important to check the credentials of hypnotherapy apps before purchasing.

The market leader in hypnotherapy apps is Nerva. This IBS hypnotherapy app was created by world-leading IBS specialist, Dr Simone Peters from Monash University, the same university that developed the low FODMAP diet.

As a qualified gastroenterologist and hypnotherapist, Dr. Peters was able to replicate the benefits of her in-person practice in app-based form, to provide cost-effective relief for people with IBS.

IBS hypnotherapy apps can vary greatly in price. However, for a quality app that replicates the therapeutic environment, you can expect to pay around US$20 a month. Some apps, like Nerva, also provide a seven-day trial, so you can test out the program before committing. The program can be easily downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

IBS self-hypnosis

Some people will choose to practice self-hypnosis in which they teach themselves how to enter a hypnotic state and use their own imagery and suggestions.

To get started with this option, you may wish to book a few sessions with a professional to teach you the basics, take a short course on clinical hypnosis techniques, or self-guide your education with popular hypnotherapy books.

Self-hypnosis is free to use besides the initial set-up costs required to learn the practice (i.e., books, courses, or sessions).  

It's important to note, however, that while it can be a more affordable option, some people find it difficult to maintain a regular practice on their own or find themselves unable to fully relax during their sessions.

The Wrap Up

In conclusion, gut-directed hypnotherapy is an effective approach to managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). With its non-invasive and drug-free nature, this therapy offers a compelling management tool for individuals seeking relief from symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation. By addressing both the physical and psychological factors contributing to IBS, gut-directed hypnotherapy can result in long-lasting symptom reduction.

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