The best way to quit smoking needs to address: cravings, habits, and the core reasons why you smoke.

While many ways to quit smoking are available, only a few are backed by science, and these are the ones we’ll examine today. We’ll also look at why quitting cold turkey is one of the least successful methods of stopping smoking for good.

Quit smoking classes

Quitting smoking comes with challenges that even the most determined among us can struggle with, but you don’t have to go it alone. Enrolling in a quit-smoking class is a great way to hear from the experts, connect with others on the same path, access resources, and be cheered along at every achievement. 

For those based in the US, The American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking program is delivered in person in clinics, as well as via virtual classrooms. You’ll be led through eight group sessions focusing on helping you build and implement a workable quit strategy. 

If you’re based in the UK, have a look at the NHS’s comprehensive list of Stop Smoking Services, which includes courses and programs that promise to triple your chance of success. 

For those in other countries, contact your region’s online quit smoking program to enquire about in-person class availability.

Ease: Good
In-person classes aren’t convenient for everyone, but if you live in the right location and have a more flexible schedule, participating is much easier. 

Long-term success: Excellent
Your chance of success is high as the classes are comprehensive, you’ll be accountable to others, you’ll learn about all of your quitting options, and the social support can make a real difference, according to researchers. 

Cost: Great
While some classes are free, those that require a payment will still be a cheaper investment compared to remaining a smoker.


Despite of what you might have seen on YouTube, where hypnotherapy is often portrayed as a mind-control party trick, scientists have long known the benefits of using hypnotherapy to quit smoking. Hypnosis helps you put smoking behind you by helping you address the psychological aspects of your cigarette habit. This makes it a great tool for tackling the why behind your routine. 

Hypnotherapy to quit smoking works by combining relaxation, mental imagery, and positive therapeutic suggestions that target the neurophysiology of your smoking behaviors, as well as your nicotine dependency. It’s recommended as a quit strategy because hypnotherapy helps with other factors like stress. It also increases your coping abilities when withdrawal symptoms make themselves known by helping you develop positive emotional regulation skills. This will help you lean towards identifying and behaving as a non-smoker with more confidence and strength.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is another quit option similar to hypnotherapy that will help you target the psychological urges behind why you reach for cigarettes again and again. However, studies have shown that hypnotherapy is more effective for long-term quitting than CBT, especially when combined with NRT.

Ease: Excellent 
A digital hypnotherapy program like Finito is a simple, accessible option as it guides you along, day by day, with a cravings toolkit for the tough times.

Long-term success: Excellent 
While more research is required to determine hypnotherapy’s long-term effectiveness, a small study showed it helped smokers with serious lung illnesses become non-smokers for three and six months after hospitalization. For the best shot, try combining hypnotherapy with NRT, and look for a program like Finito that includes online community support.

Cost: Excellent 
Hypnotherapy generally costs between $150 to $250USD for a one-on-one in-person session, so it can add up, depending on how many appointments you require. It’s significantly cheaper to find a hypnotherapy option that allows you to buy all sessions as an inclusive program.

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Online programs

Working through an online program is a great solution for those who don’t live near an in-person class, or if your schedule requires more flexibility. This method is great for convenience as you can read through resources, participate in quizzes, chat online, and watch videos from anywhere at any time. Some online programs can also be tailored towards you and your habits, so it can work for those looking to go cold turkey or for anyone more interested in tapering off cigarettes and easing into a quit plan.

The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking Plus online program begins by asking you to select a quit day three weeks in advance and then develops a personalized plan for you so you’re ready to go. The program offers videos, quizzes, and interactive activities, educating you about medications that increase your chance of success, lifestyle change suggestions, and teaches you effective coping strategies for when the going gets tough. For American participants, completing the Freedom From Smoking Plus program (either in-person or online) could even lower your health insurance premium.

If you’re based in Australia, the government-funded iCanQuit program will help you track the number of cigarettes you smoke each day, help you calculate the money you save when you quit, and offers a range of comprehensive resources to help you understand withdrawal and how to develop a plan for breaking old routines. 

Many other countries like New Zealand, Canada, and the UK offer similar programs.

Ease: Excellent
Online programs are an easy way to incorporate a quit-smoking plan in your life as you can access resources anytime, anywhere.

Cost: Excellent
Many online programs are free or only charge for premium services.

Long-term success: Excellent
Research shows that quit programs are an effective long-term intervention, particularly when the program teaches you practical skills like problem-solving and includes social support from other soon-to-be non-smokers.

Nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT)

NRT is a solid quit smoking tool, with research reporting it can increase your chance of quitting. It’s delivered by your choice of patches, gum, sprays, inhalators, or lozenges, with research confirming that all options are equally effective. All will give users a low-level dose of nicotine, but with none of the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes like tar or carbon monoxide. Experts advise that combining your NRT can even double your chances of quitting, such as opting for the patch that allows for passive nicotine delivery, as well as using on-demand NRT like gum, a nasal spray, or an inhaler.​ 

However, keep in mind that while NRT (and quit-smoking medications) can help with withdrawal symptoms and lessen your cravings, it isn’t a fix-all. As NRT alone won’t cure you of your habit or help you manage stress or negative emotions, it’s best to incorporate NRT into your quit-smoking toolkit, rather than relying on it as a standalone solution.

If you live in New Zealand, Quit Strong provides free NRT when you meet with their quit-smoking coaches. 

Australians can get discounted nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). 

If you’re in the UK, check with your local NHS about NRT subsidies, and gaining free access if you live in Scotland. Canadian residents can also access free or discounted NRT, depending on which province you’re based in, and a limited number of US-based programs offer free NRT, so it’s worth investigating what’s available in your state.

Ease: Excellent
The availability and variety of NRT options make this one of the easiest tools to include in your quit-smoking plan. 

Cost: Average
The average cost of a quit attempt with NRT is around $185USD. If you can’t access free or subsidized NRT, like many quit tools, it’s still cheaper than remaining a smoker. 

Long-term success: Average
Research suggests long-term NRT use doesn’t increase your nicotine intake, and it’s a safe and effective way to keep you away from cigarettes.


Smoking cessation medications have proven effective, and it’s worth speaking to your doctor about which ones to include in a comprehensive quit-smoking plan.

Bupropion is a nicotine-free tablet that is thought to positively impact your brain and decrease your cravings and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. For the most effective results, Bupropion works best for smokers when taken in combination with quit coaching support.  

Also, ask your doctor about Varenicline (Champix), which helps reduce your urge to light up by lessening the enjoyment you get from nicotine, making it easier to quit. Research reports that Varenicline in particular is more effective and likely to work when used in conjunction with NRT, rather than taking it on its own. Keep in mind, this medication does come with potentially troubling side effects such as drowsiness, depression, and behavior changes like hostility.

Both of these medications are approved by the FDA in the US, but just note that Varenicline is not available in the UK and the NHS recommends you chat to your doctor about alternatives.    

Like NRT, these medications will give you the best chance of smoking your last cigarette when incorporated into a broader quit plan, rather than using medication as your only tool. Speak to your doctor about combining these medications with quit methods that focus on your ‘why’, like hypnotherapy or following an online program.

Ease: Good
Incorporating medication into your overall quit plan is simple and straightforward, but you must speak to your doctor first about your options. 

Cost: Great 
Depending on where you live, the cost could be free or significantly subsidized by insurance, health plans, or clinics.

Long-term success: Good
Medications will support your long-term success, but only if used in conjunction with other quit therapies like quit smoking classes and NRT.

Two more options

Cold turkey

Quitting cold turkey is a complex strategy that can seem appealing and daunting at the same time. This method is when you simply decide you’ve smoked your last cigarette for good, rather than tapering off slowly or devising a more comprehensive quit strategy—you’re just done. 

The advantages are it’s free and you can go cold turkey anytime, anywhere, even right now as you read this. However, a little planning and more thought is required to make it stick if you opt to take this route, such as actively removing yourself from places or situations where you used to smoke to reduce temptation. You will also have to think about changing your habits. For example, if you’re a first-thing-in-the-morning smoker, developing a new wake-up routine will help your cold turkey strategy stick. The Canadian Lung Association acknowledges quitting in this way can and has worked for people. And studies have shown that quitting abruptly could possibly even lead to abstaining from smoking for longer.

However, once withdrawal kicks in, you may be wondering where your willpower has disappeared to, and you’ll quickly see why this quit-smoking method has a much lower success rate and why some experts call it the least effective quit method. 

Quitting cold turkey without additional support could be fighting a losing battle, thanks to the incredible power of nicotine. Like other drugs, nicotine stimulates the release of feel-good dopamine in your brain. It works by signaling your mind to repeat your smoking behaviors over and over. So, by going cold turkey, you’re battling a brain that has learned how to smoke, and just like learning to un-ride a bike, it’s very challenging for your brain to stop telling you it’s time for a reward without additional quit strategies in place. As research has shown, it can take smokers anywhere from eight to 30 attempts to quit, so a comprehensive approach to quitting is likely to be more effective. 

Ease: Average
You can quit right now, which is simple enough, but staying off the cigarettes is the real challenge.

Long-term success: Poor 
It’s incredibly difficult to use this strategy in the long term without additional support tools, but if you manage to stick with it, you will see success. 

Cost: Good
It costs nothing to quit cold turkey, but you might pay in other ways, such as through relapsing and continuing on with a costly cigarette habit.


Scientists say the research is lacking about using vaping as a stepping stone to quitting smoking. While some organizations recommend it as a NRT-style quit tool, others have raised concerns that it may do more harm than good. 

Vapes are electronic devices where you inhale nicotine in a vapor instead of smoke, like you would with cigarettes. It works by heating a solution known as e-liquid that usually contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, flavorings, and nicotine. 

Vaping may be a healthier (although not necessarily healthy) option as you’re not inhaling smoke. E-liquids are available in different nicotine strengths, so you can lower the amount as you go until you’re ready for nicotine-free vaping. There are also options like Füm, which is similar to a vape except users inhale nicotine-free natural plant extracts in different flavors with no vapor or fumes of any kind—a great solution for those who need to keep their hands busy.

However, many people have a limited understanding of the chemicals they’re inhaling through their vaping habit. The CDC reported an outbreak of lung injuries caused by chemicals commonly found in e-cigarettes, and research connecting lung cancer to vaping is now calling it “an area of significant concern.” 

Another new development to be aware of is traditional tobacco companies like Phillip Morris (now known as the Altria Group) have become big players in vaping. Many are the distributors of popular e-cigarette brands like JUUL and Vuse. These companies have worked hard via persuasive marketing to frame vaping as the safer option in response to decreasing cigarette consumption (and falling profits). However, there has been notable pushback, with JUUL recently settling more than 5,000 vaping lawsuits after being accused of targeting teenagers with its products. 

In Australia, pharmacies were even being offered incentives to stock particular vape products owned by Big Tobacco, a move that anti-smoking groups and the Australian Medical Association (AMA) swiftly shut down. 

So, while vaping may be slightly less harmful than cigarettes for now, rethink whether you really want to swap one bad habit for another. 

Ease: Average 
Many countries have vaping laws similar to cigarette smoking, such as it’s illegal to vape in certain public settings. Quitting smoking (and vaping) will always be the easiest solution.  

Long-term success: Below average 
Evidence is limited to non-existent, and it’s difficult to assess long-term success for this quit strategy just yet.

Cost: Average 
While cheaper than smoking cigarettes, vaping will still cost you on average a little over US$2,000 per year. Is your money better spent elsewhere?

The Wrap Up

While many science-backed quit strategies are available, it often takes more than one method, and combining quit tools and approaches is most likely to lead to the best result: a life free from cigarettes. In-person quit-smoking classes are the best option for those seeking support from a community of like-minded people working towards the same goal. But if classes are limited in your area, a comprehensive all-access online alternative is your best bet. Hypnotherapy, which scientists say is more effective than CBT and 10 times more effective than quitting cold turkey, is the best option if you’re particularly focused on getting your brain into non-smoking mode. While hypnotherapy once involved expensive visits to a therapist, now it’s relatively low-cost with quit-smoking apps available, like the three-week Finito program. NRT and medications are both supported by reliable research, but work better when they are included in a broader quit strategy. Quitting cold turkey and vaping each have unique advantages. Still, both options may not be suitable for long-term success, and emerging research reveals vaping is potentially causing more harm than good. 

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