Dr. Taylor Thurston


Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Taylor Thurston, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic Physician with a general family practice with a special interest in mental health. Her practice is built on medical training, naturopathic principles, and her own personal experience with mental health.

She works extremely hard to build a safe environment that patients feel heard and valued. She believes in an integrative approach to healthcare where there is a combination of both conventional medicine and evidence-based holistic care that combines the mind, body and spirit.

Dr. Thurston's approach is centered around compassion and the importance of meeting people where they are at. Through the use of counselling, nutrition, botanicals, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, intravenous vitamins, and acupuncture, she works with you to create a comprehensive plan that is individualized and patient centered.

She is available to work with BC residents in Canada.

Burnaby Heights Integrative Health Care
4353 Hastings St, Burnaby, BC V5C 2J7, Canada
(604) 293-2941
In-person available
Telehealth available

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